Rathor Ironlight

Oath-breaker/Dad/Outdoor Lover



Age: 30
Height: 6ft
Race: Miqo'te
Hobbies: Fishing, Gardening, Fighting
IC job: Samurai
Husband: Rupert Bauerlien
Lover: Lefra Ymir

Relationship Status: Open
Children: Ester Venlynn, and Ghidera Fromores
Places of work: Catnipps, Honor's Rest, Cirque Du Freak


  • Rathor was raised by a Miqo'te Father and Roe Mother, he was raised with care but taught to fight from a young age, it was hard but it trained him to become the man he is today.

  • Rathor worked with a resistance when the imperials invaded his island in the Ruby Sea, he watched them execute his family his friends and burn his village to the ground.

  • Rathor works at a Circus that's owned by a man he considers his brother Alastor he'll be happy to inform you of their showtimes.


Rathor lived in the Red Sea on an island a few out from Kugane, he was happy content with his life raised up to fight like the Roe's beside him his brothers in arms were there to help him along the way he was a weakling among the tribe of giant's but that didn't stop him from rising up when it mattered.
Rathor lived a good life among his fellow villagers until the day the imperials came ashore, nobody knew who they were or where they came from, but the imperials started rounding the villagers then as he thought all was fine and it wouldn't be a thing the imperials started executing the villager's.
One by one the children watched in horror as they're fathers, and mothers were cut down right in front of their eyes, his brothers and sisters got away forming a resistance against the invading imperials, they fought long and hard, Rathor watched his squad his friends he grew up with die to the invader's one by one, but he never did give up until the main force came and stopped the imperials takeover, Rathor by that time wanted out he couldn't take the horror's that the war had wrought upon him, it was then that he found the child still wrapped in her mother’s cold dead arms E'starah Venlynn, he raised that girl like she was his own child teaching her how to fight and helping her through the years until she was finally ready to join up with the scion's adventures taking off he was lonely but he knew this is what was going to happen eventually. After a few more years on the farm, he was running quite low on fund's the dodos' feathers weren't selling as good as they usually were, he had to give it up since he couldn't pay for it himself anymore, he was heartbroken. After that he was looking for a place to call home and that's about the time he met Alastor. The man offered him a proposition; the rest is history...

OOC info

I've not been rping for long but, for the time I have, I've had the most fun I think I could have ever experienced I'm 23 a fun guy to be around and defintiely a person who likes meeting new people.